(Aff ID: )

Oferwall - API

Offerwall - API

Our offerwall API enables users to benefit from incentives and rewards thanks to segmented, automatically translated ads. The API will return a list of offers specific to the user for whom the request was made, taking into account their previous experience and profile data.

App required

In order to integrate the offerwall API you will need to have an app created.

You will need to make a GET request, including your API Key, API Secret and the unique ID of the user on your platform.


You can optionally provide some parameters to improve demographic targeting.

Parameter Description Value
apiKey API Key of your app, you can find it on your app detail. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
apiSecret API Secret of your app, you can find it on your app detail. xxxxxxxxxx
userId User ID of your web/app. varchar (256)
ip IP of the user.
limit The max number of offers that you want to retrieve. Default: 30
offset Number of offers to avoid, use in combination with limit to paginate through offer list. Default: 0
gender User gender. m / f
age User age. integer
aff_sub If you need an extra param you can use this, you will get it back in the postback. varchar (45)
aff_sub2 If you need an extra param you can use this, you will get it back in the postback. varchar (45)
aff_sub3 If you need an extra param you can use this, you will get it back in the postback. varchar (45)
aff_sub4 If you need an extra param you can use this, you will get it back in the postback. varchar (45)

You can also use the following parameters to filter offers.

Parameter Description Value
devices Send the current device of the user. Type: number
1 Desktop, 2 Android, 3 iPhone, 4 iPad
categories Add the IDs separated by commas of the categories you want to display. Type: number
1 Survey Router, 2 Signup, 4 Gambling, 5 Games, 6 Survey Panels, 7 Dating, 8 Finance, 9 Product Trial, 10 Sweepstakes, 11 Purchase, 12 Survey, 13 Quizz, 14 Android App, 15 iOS App, 16 Download, 17 CPI, 18 Deposit, 19 DOI, 20 SOI
catsToAvoid Add the IDs separated by commas of the categories you do not want to display. Type: number
1 Survey Router, 2 Signup, 4 Gambling, 5 Games, 6 Survey Panels, 7 Dating, 8 Finance, 9 Product Trial, 10 Sweepstakes, 11 Purchase, 12 Survey, 13 Quizz, 14 Android App, 15 iOS App, 16 Download, 17 CPI, 18 Deposit, 19 DOI, 20 SOI